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#催促的英语要怎么说?赶紧的用英语怎么翻译?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




urge sb.to do sth.催促常用句子Are you in a hurry?面对别人的磨磨蹭蹭,如坐针毡的你是不是由于不知如何催促而干着急呢?Hurrying Someone催促Get moving.= Get going.快点干。Come on! You'll be late.快点!你要迟到了。Hurry up!= Hurry!赶紧了!Come on! It's time to go.快点儿!该走了!Chop! Chop!快!赶快!chop v. 切,剁

Hurry up. The meeting will be started in a minute.快点,会议一分钟后就要开始了。

It's already 11:30. Let's speed up.已经11:30了, 我们抓紧。

Try to hurry a little bit more. They are all waiting for us.快点吧,大家都等着我们呢。

Get moving or we won't be able to finish the work.快点,不然完不成任务啦。

催促对话参考Jason: Come on! It's time to go.杰森:快点儿!该走了!Kate: Wait a minute. Just hold your horses! What's your hurry, anyway?凯特:等一等。你就耐心等一下吧。你急什么呢?

Jason: We've got to get gas. And there might be a bit of a line-up at the station. There was the last time I went and I don't feel like waiting too long this time.杰森:我们得去加点油。也许还得在加油站排队呢。上次我去就是这个样子,这次我可不想再等那么长时间了。

Kate: That won't take long.凯特:那花不了多长时间。

Jason: Well, it won't if there's no line at the pump.杰森:是啊,如果加油站那儿没人排队就不会等那么长时间了。

Kate: Well. I'm not quite ready.凯特:嗯,但我还没有完全准备好呢。

Jason: I'll give you five more minutes, and then I'm going without you!杰森:我再给你五分钟,然后我就走了,不带你了。

Kate: You wouldn't do a thing like that!凯特:你不会那么做的!

Jason: Of course I would!杰森:我当然会那么做!

Kate: But I'm your favorite, you wouldn't be so mean to me, would you?凯特:我可是你最爱的人啊,你不会对我那么刻薄的,是吗?

Jason: Who says?杰森:谁说的?







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